Thought-provoking video about who are we.

In this thought-provoking and eye opening video,  a variety of speakers, hailing from a diverse range of racial and cultural backgrounds, perform a spoken word piece.

‘They make an important point: WE ARE NOT WHAT WE LOOK LIKE.’

There is more to us as individuals than what we look like, where we were born, what religion we practice, underneath all these layers we are the same. We are human. 

‘Who would you be if the world never gave you a label? No, we would be one!! Together!  These labels blind us from seeing someone as who they really are.’

So when we judge someone based on their appearance, we are missing out on discovering the incredible being who exists under the surface. It is both a lost opportunity on our part and an injustice against the other’s right to be recognized as a whole and complete person.

‘No baby is born racist!’

As the video makes clear, when we judge someone based on his or her race we are subconsciously separating ourselves from them, because they are “different.” It seems quite ridiculous when it’s put that way, doesn’t it? Because of this separation, based solely on labels, we wage war against one another. It’s ignorant, and conveys how the media’s influence in keeping us separated and placing blame and hate on many other races and religions.

When you realize that these are just labels, which society has given to each and every one of us, a profound understanding occurs within you. You begin to question the lines that divide us both psychologically and even physically, on our maps. Maybe there are alternate reasons for the crises that we are facing in the world today and the labels are just a cover because we have been convinced for so long that we are all separate from one another.

‘We were meant to be free and only until we remove them all, and stop living and thinking so small will we be free to see ourselves and each other for who we truly are.’


What do children teach us..

Before I become a teacher, I never realised that students would teach me lessons. I just presumed I would teach them and that was the end of it. Since starting my first teaching job this year, I have realised how much students teach us. Learning goes both ways! I am learning so much about life from them. I feel really privileged to be able to work with young people every day.

  1. Honesty – Young people are brutally honest. Whether it is positive or negative they will tell you how it is. The students have taught me how important honesty is!
  2. Be yourself– Be proud of who you are and do not change for anyone. I see this with 1st years but sadly sometimes it is not as prominent with older years as they tone themselves down to feel ‘accepted’ or ‘fit in’.
  3. Humour– Young people are hilarious. My classes make me laugh everyday. It is important to not take yourself seriously and to have a laugh with your students. Learning should be fun not dreary.
  4. To not judge people based on their origin or the colour of the skin – A few weeks ago I was reading ‘The Field’ by John B. Keane with my 3rd years and my students would not read the word ‘tinker’ or ‘traveller’ aloud as they did not want to offend one of their peers in their class. Also students do not care what colour your skin is, they just care if you are a good person or not. 
  5. To be happy for no reason
  6. Being a role model– If you are a good person and you try your best. The students will think you are amazing. They look up to you. You are a role model to them.
  7. Care– Students will know whether you really care about them or not. They are not stupid.
  8. Acceptance- The students will accept you and each other for who they are. They realise no-one is perfect. Incredibly mature!
  9. Fearless– Young people are so fearless. They leap without looking and they are not afraid to take chances.
  10. Curiosity– Young people love to ask questions. I get asked a million questions a day. I thought it would be just 1st years asking me questions but 6th years ask a lot of questions too. Some you will not be able to answer. For example while reading ‘The Plough and the Stars’ with my 6th years, one student asked me ‘Did Nora have many boyfriends before Jack?’. Sean O Casey did not say, he only mentions Jack and that Brennan used to have a thing for her. For the questions you should know the answer too but you do not then just be honest. Tell the students you will find out tonight and tell them tomorrow or else ask them to find out for homework. The students have taught me to never stop asking questions in life. 

Steve Jobs- Inspirational figure for all students.

Everything happens for a reason and something that might seem like the end of the world might introduce you to your true calling. Always believe in yourself and never give up. Keep trying! It will work out if you work hard. If you find a job you love, you will enjoy going to work everyday!

Steve Job is an inspiring figure and a great model for young people today. This video clip is a great video clip to show your students’ especially your LC students’ as it will calm their anxiety about their futures. Steve Jobs was a college drop out. But yet he was one of the most successful men in the world. He was best known as the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc.; CEO and largest shareholder of Pixar Animation Studios. Pixar went on to create the worlds first computer animated feature film, Toy Story. It is now the worlds most successful animation studio in the world.  After dropping out from his college course, he dropped in on lectures that did interest him such as calligraphy. Here he learned information that had no practice use in his life until ten years later when he was designing the first Macintosh computer.  He started Apple and due to a power struggle he got pushed out the company he created.  He then set up a company called NeXt. After a few years, Apple then bought NeXt and Jobs returned as a CEO. Steve died from pancreatic cancer in 2011.

A movie about Steve Jobs is out in cinemas in Ireland on the 13th of November. I am sure it will be very inspirational!

‘I still loved what I did. I had been rejected but I was still in love. So I decided to start over. I did not see it then but it turned out getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.’

‘Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith’. I am convinced that the only thing which kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find out what you love. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.  If you have not found it yet, keep looking and do not settle! You will know when you find it!’

‘You cannot connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something, your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing in the dots connecting down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well-worn path and that would make all the difference.’

This is a great video clip about Steve Jobs. 

It is really good for the trouble maker students or students’ who feel like they do not fit in.

'Here is to the crazy ones, misfits, rebels,  troublemakers, round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently'.

trouble makers

Time recently wrote a brilliant article about how Steve Jobs ALWAYS ASKED FOR HELP. He was never embarrassed, It is important to remind your students that they can always ask you for help! Teach your students’ to never be afraid of failing, they will learn from their mistakes and they will become better people by as they will grow.

Posted @ QUOTEZ.CO

Posted @ QUOTEZ.CO

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